Series Synopsis: Call of the Wild is a magazine style TV show investigating various topics in the fields of ecology, conservation and environmentalism in the form of mini-episodes. It's target audience will be young people aged 16-25 and its focus will be what people can do in their everyday lives to help the environment, as this appeals to the mores of the demographic. It will be filmed in a mutli-camera, studio environment with a vibrant set similar to that of The One Show .
Episode Breakdown: The episode will be 6 minutes long, with two 40 second inserts and will cover the broad theme of plastic in the ocean. The first insert will be a promotional clip from a new show called Litter Bug!, which is about the issues caused by littering, which will be accompanied by a brief interview with the star of this show, and exploring the ethics of the new series. The second insert will be about the problem of plastic on the British coast, followed by a list of top tips that people can follow to help combat the issues.
The structure of the episode will be as follows:
Presenter opener – 15 seconds
Opening credits – 20 seconds
Intro into Insert 1 – 5 seconds
Insert 1 – Litter Bug! Clip – 40 seconds
Interview with the star of Litter Bug! – 1 minute 50 seconds
Intro into Insert 2 – 5 seconds
Insert 2 – The Problem with Plastic – 40 seconds
Top-tips segment – 1 minute 50 seconds
Presenter closer – 15 seconds
Casting: Casting is completely open to anyone who is interested – Lequane Johnson in 3rd Year has expressed an interest in getting involved as a presenter. I would propose that we source extra actors from the Acting and Performing Arts courses as they will have the skills necessary to fulfil this role and will want material for their show-reels.
Viewer Profile: The target demographic for the show is young people aged 16-25. Young people value being able to get involved with good causes on a day-to-day basis; providing information about modern-day ecological issues and ways that our audience can combat them should prove popular amongst this demographic. Maxine Mawhinney, senior BBC News journalist, highlights in a BBC Academy podcast that presenters should have a conversation with their audience. In the era of social media when young people look to interact with people, institutions and issues, and many members of our target demographic will have at least one active social media profile, this is of critical importance. We must ensure that we hit the right tone with Call of the Wild.
Sample (Presenter Opener):
Welcome back to Call of the Wild, your stop for all creatures great and small. We've got a show jam-packed with exciting news so make sure you stay tuned. First up is a sneak peak at the brand new show Litter Bug! and we'll be catching up with the show's passionate creator and star. Then we'll take a look at the problem of plastic on the British coast, and what you can do to help. That's coming up on Call of the Wild.